Bypass Pumping

Spiniello’s Bypass/Pump Division provides a wide range of temporary water management solutions, from small diameter neighborhood repair and rehabilitation utility projects to emergency bypass operations that require redundancy flow control for large diameter systems. We partner with our clients from initial project design and engineering to system construction with 24/7/365 operations. We can also assist with community outreach during critical situations and provide custom contingency plans to help ease the impact of unexpected emergencies. With our in-house, turnkey bypass capabilities, we significantly reduce the possibility of disruptions to your community’s homes and businesses.

Our bypass crews are dedicated to your project and have the experience to ensure that pipe flow is properly managed through completion. Whether conducting a pipe conditional assessment, installation of a new line segment, or performing a lining operation to rehabilitate a large diameter sewer system, we take pride in exceeding client expectations.

Spiniello’s Bypass/Pump Division is committed to providing complete water and wastewater pumping solutions with an unmatched emphasis on safety. Our equipment to support our bypass operations is maintained by certified technicians and customizable for any application, with more than 50 pumps ranging in sizes from 6-inch to 18-inch that can be monitored remotely and over 70,000 LF of HDPE pipe, we are committed to being your total water solutions partner.

Baltimore Sanitary Contract - 875

The benefits of Spiniello’s bypass pumping

When you work with Spiniello for pipe rehabilitation and bypass pumping, you can be sure you will get benefits such as:

  • Expertise. Our decades of experience and in-house expertise allow us to control projects from the beginning through completion.

  • Logistically friendly. Our bypass pumping services allow residential and commercial neighborhoods to continue using their services without interruption.

  • Affordability. We provide competitive pricing and high-quality for our bypass pumping solutions.

  • Equipment. With new state of the art equipment, we have tier 4, dry-priming, and submersible pumps to meet any bypass requirement or need.

Contact us today for more information about our bypass pumping solutions.