Cement Mortar Lining
Corrosion and buildup are some of the most common problems plaguing water infrastructure across the nation. These result in leakages, poor water flow, and greater pumping expenses.
Spiniello offers Cement Mortar Lining (CML) services to help extend the life of pipes in need of repairs. The CML process has been performed since the 1940’s and is a low-cost option in prolonging the life of water lines.
How do Spiniello’s CML solutions work?
The Spiniello reinforced CML process involves applying layers of lining with reinforced steel rods. This allows our team to rehabilitate pipes with much larger diameters of 30-inch and above with high test pressures.
By using this process, we are able to eliminate interior corrosion due to the pH created by the CML which in turn acts as a chemical shield, preventing the buildup of rust. CML also increases the capacity of pipes, restoring the flow for years to come.
What are the benefits of Spiniello’s CML solutions?
Some of the primary benefits of Spinello’s CML services include:
Savings. With Spiniello’s centrifugally applied lining, Water Authorities obtain the performance of a brand-new pipeline at a small cost without replacement. The pipe is cleaned and lined to assist in preventing future corrosion. Operational costs are also lower due to the interior protection applied to these pipes.
Versatility. By using specialized equipment, we can restore almost any type of pipe, including steel, cast iron, brick, concrete, asbestos-cement, wood stave or corrugated metal. We can apply these solutions to pipes of all sizes, from 4-inches to 22-feet or larger.
Contact Spiniello today for more information about Cement Mortar Lining solutions.