Shotcrete Solutions
Shotcrete is another option for use in the rehabilitation of large diameter 36-inch and above sewer systems. Spiniello utilizes this technology for the primary benefits of versatility, cost, and durability. Both wet and dry mix processes are employed depending on specific project needs. The use of steel and/or WWM will be needed to provide adequate strength to the material. A bypass system will need to be in place to handle flow conditions within the pipe. Longer cure times than geopolymer. Typical thicknesses range from 0.5” to 4” and extend pipeline service by 50+ years.
Spiniello’s Shotcrete Process
Shotcrete, gunite, or sprayed concrete is concrete or mortar conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface. It is typically reinforced by conventional steel rods, steel mesh, or fibers and is applied by ACI certified nozzlemen. When placing dry-mix shotcrete, the concrete mixture is pneumatically conveyed through a shotcrete hose or other conveying pipe until it reaches the nozzle. The water required for hydration is then added by the nozzleman. When placing wet-mix shotcrete, the concrete mixture (with water already added) is pumped through a hose and air is added at the nozzle to increase the speed of the mixture to achieve a high velocity.
Benefits of Shotcrete
Versatility. Very little formwork is needed, subsequently making complex shape creation easier. Greater accessibility for difficult to reach areas.
Cost. Labor, application time, and material handling savings.
Durability. Increased bonding effectiveness and higher strengths with a lower permeability, opposed to conventional cast-in-place methods.
Contact Spiniello for more information about shotcrete solutions.