Heavy Construction – Excavation for Water & Wastewater
For over 100 years, Spiniello has been involved with open cut excavation for water and wastewater projects of any size. With one of the largest utility excavation fleets in the region, Spiniello has the capability to successfully complete the most challenging excavation project. No project is too large or complicated for us to tackle thanks to our experienced and dedicated employees and the iron we own and utilize in order to get the job done.
With our experienced crews, and size of our fleet we can easily meet demands and exceed expectations. Open cut excavation operations are one of our core capabilities with safety and production at the forefront of every project. Spiniello’s team cohesiveness will monitor, and direct assets based on client needs and project requirements. With our experience and resources, Spiniello can meet the demands of schedule requirements, even working 24-hour shifts or within varying environments, from emergency IDIQ’s to standalone contracts.
We have installed pipes up to 10’ diameter, conducted deep excavations 80’ below surface and have worked on rehabilitating pipes upwards of 20’ diameter.
Our heavy construction services and experience includes:
Open-cut excavation
Shaft excavation
Water pipeline installation
Wastewater pipeline installation
Our Success Stories
Every project comes with its own unique challenges, and at Spiniello, we welcome and appreciate the opportunity to tackle all of them. Here are some of our recent success stories:
Marine Outfalls in Puerto Rico. Before the outfalls for four cities in Puerto Rico could be constructed, a temporary marine processing facility needed to be relocated. The Spiniello team devised a unique combination of barges, tug boats, cranes, winches and anchors to orchestrate the move. The project was completed without a hitch.
The largest potable water infrastructure in the Bahamas. The city of Nassau in the Bahamas needed to get drinking water from two distant wells located at either end of the island. Spiniello ran 180,000LF of PVC piping spanning 6” to 20” to develop the largest potable water infrastructure in the Bahamas. Beyond the piping installation, the project also included thousands of service lines, hydrants and various types of valves.
Massive pipeline project in Oklahoma. As a real test of endurance, Spiniello helped the United States Bureau of Reclamation run 26 miles of 66” and 72” welded steel pipe in Atoka, OK.
Water pollution abatement in Connecticut. For this multifaceted project in New Haven, CT, Spiniello needed to subaqueously place twin 48” ductile iron sewer force mains, as well as a standalone 48” pipe. The three mains had a combined length of 11,000LF and were supported by 25,000LF of pipes, which were driven on land and into the river bed. We then built a new high-capacity wastewater pumping station, an integral part of a system that serves 200,000 people.
Contact us today for more information about our heavy construction services.