July 13, 2022
WSSC Manhole Open
Spiniello Companies Attends the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission’s (WSSC) 68th Annual Manhole Open. Vice President of Corporate Strategy Tim Bako Donates Raffle Winnings on Behalf of the Company to the WSSC Water Fund.
ASHTON, MD, July 13, 2022 – Spiniello Companies’ Senior Vice President of Construction Management Todd Galletti, Vice President of Corporate Strategy Tim Bako, Area Managers Vince Skelley and Chris Billak, and Senior Estimator Craig Heller all participated in the WSSC Manhole Open. The 68th annual golf event, held at Hampshire Greens Golf Course in Ashton, Maryland, hosted nearly 140 current employees, retirees, and WSSC Water partners for a day of fun and fundraising. Pictured above, left to right, are GM Carla Reid, Tim Bako, Kelly Caplan, and Major Mark Woodcock of the Salvation Army.
After hitting the links, Tim Bako was the lucky winner of the function’s 50/50 raffle. Tim donated the entire sum on behalf of Spiniello to the WSSC’s Water Fund – an initiative to assist less fortunate customers with water bill payments. The event raised $6,000 in total. Spiniello team members look forward to continued work with our partners at the WSSC and future events that directly benefit our communities.