PROJECT details

Client: City of Los Angeles

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Capabilities: Rehabilitation, Value Engineering / Design Build

Services: Bypass Pumping, Sliplining, Cement Mortar Lining

Contract Value: $33,519,257

  • This project will rehabilitate 5,013 ft on concrete Burn McDonnell semi-elliptical North Outfall Sewer (NOS) from the Intersection of 101 Freeway and Mission Road and extending along Union Pacific Railroad right of way to 256 feet north of intersection of Gibbons Street and Cardinal Street using the method of slip-lining.

    The section of the NOS was built in 1929 and consists of 3,548 feet of 54-inch and 1,426 feet of 48-inch of said concrete sewer, and it includes 39 foot monolithic 108-inch storm drain & NOS structure.



Orange County Feeder Relining Reach 3