PA American Water Coatesville Sliplining
PROJECT details
Client: Pennsylvania American Water
Location: Coatesville, PA
Capabilities: Rehabilitation, Replacement, Value Engineering / Design Build
Services: Sliplining, CCTV & Cleaning
Contract Value: $9,093,300
The Coatesville Slip Lining project for owner Pennsylvania American Water includes the cleaning and slip lining of (26,000) linear feet of 16" fusible PVC pipe within an existing 24" cast iron water main and over 30,000 feet of 6-8" watermain bypass will be laid to ensure resident water access during construction. The water main being rehabilitated, runs closely to today's Northeast Amtrak corridor making access a challenge (the existing water main was originally used to supply steam-engine trains with boiler water). Overseen by Superintendent, David Thomas, the project faces an added challenge because there are no reliable maps for where the existing watermain is located, Spiniello is also tasked with locating valves and fittings that would limit the slip lining effort.